2015 Triangle Program Graduation and Leaving Ceremony

The Triangle Program invites all students, staff, parents, friends, family and community supporters to celebrate with our graduating students and the end of another fantastic school year!


When: Wednesday June 24, 2015
Where: 115 Simpson Ave, MCCT Sanctuary and Social Hall
Time: 6:30pm
To RSVP or to get more information:

Amazing Letter Sent to a Triangle Teacher from the Parent of a Triangle Student

I cannot believe it was two years ago that I sent my son up from Baltimore and left him in your care and the care of my cousin. The Triangle program did wonders for him. Slowly through time, he found his heart was with the program you run. And look how much he’s grown!
But in all seriousness, look how alive he is. When I sent him up there it was only because I had tried everything here and feared he would commit suicide. He was slowly dying of depression and loss of hope. Being in a school where he could be free to express himself (even when he’s quiet a lot of the time) was what he needed to heal and grow. He finally started talking about a “future” again. Then maybe college. Then hinted at university. He is working his tail off now going to night classes, catching up on math and science courses he’ll need for secondary education. Wow. This is not the same kid I shipped up to you. This is the person I remember as a child–full of hope, quiet ambition, and a sense of humor.
Thank you for what you and your teachers, counselors, etc. have done to save my child’s life. I cannot ever ever thank you enough. Please let them know that despite all the hard work, they have made a difference in many lives. I can attest for one. I have my child back, who is growing into quite a young man. How will you put that on your resume? 🙂

Semester Two Registration Information

The Triangle Program still has openings for prospective students for the 2014-2015 school year, semester 2. Semester 2 starts on January 30th, 2015.

In-take meetings will happen on a first come, first serve basis on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, December 16th: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
  • Friday, January 23th: 10:00am – 11:30am
  • Wednesday, January 28th: 1:30pm – 3:00pm

If the above times do not work for you, students and caregivers interested in joining the Triangle Program can contact us to make an alternative appointment for an in-take meeting

More Information….

2014 Triangle Program Graduation and Leaving Ceremony

LGBT GradThe Triangle Program invites all students, staff, parents, friends, family and community supporters to celebrate with our graduating students and the end of another fantastic school year.

When: Wednesday June 25, 2014

Where: 115 Simpson Ave, MCCT Sanctuary and Social Hall

Time: 6:30pm

To RSVP or to get more information phone: Jeffrey White or Anthony Grandy : (416) 393-8443

You can also rsvp by email: jeffrey.white@tdsb.on.ca